Web Development, a term very much trending amongst the teenagers mostly pursuing their career in the technical side. Web Development is a very broader term which can range from creating very simple web pages consisting of only texts too much complex websites and Web apps. Web Development can be used to develop a Website for the Internet i.e. World Wide Web or an Intranet i.e. a private network. Open source community nowadays has a number of organizations demanding Web Development at a higher and complex scale, aiming to make their websites and web apps the most user-friendly in the world and contributing a huge in World Wide Web.
Generally, web development among the professionals refers to the non-design factors of building websites like writing markup, designing and coding. Website and web apps making include a long process consisting various planning and testing that will be discussed later. Nowadays, Web development is a broader domain, it is getting much more complex than before due to each new advancement, recent trends and now it is all depended on better UI (user interface) and UX (user experience) design. There are ample of trends that are followed, like online customer support, static websites, progressive web application and what not! And not only these, developers must examine the current trends and try to implement the future trends before anybody else to market his website on a larger scale.
Creating a website will definitely require us to know different features of web development. Its components mainly consist of four features, that are HTML Imports, HTML Templates, Custom Elements and Shadow DOM. There are numerous web development languages, some of the most commonly used are HTML, Javascript, PHP, SQL, and many more. HTML is used for writing the basic mark up of our website. Styling and designing are done through Cascading Style Sheets(CSS). Further, Javascript helps to design as well as link our web pages. The furthermore development is done using PHP and Bootstrap.