The Salesforce Grant Management is developed on the Outbound Funds Module (OFM). This model is an open-source Salesforce Data Model, developed by the grantmakers as an integral part of the Salesforce.org Commons program. With the help of Salesforce Grant Management Tools an organization or team can streamline the processes, increase efficiency and improve the collaboration inside and outside of your organization.
Salesforce Grant Management
You can simply install Salesforce Grant Management tools after acquiring the license. After that, a Salesforce user can work with the Salesforce admin, a Salesforce partner or your Salesforce account executive to get access to any Salesforce Platform.
What are the benefits of including Salesforce Grant Management?
Salesforce Grant Management System aids the grantmakers in several ways such as tracking, managing and delivering the funds for programs in a single system. The benefit of having everything in a single platform eases the operations through cross-border collaborations and lessens the number of internal barriers. Apart from these, there are several other advantages of Salesforce Grant Management tools.
Take a look at how its inclusion becomes beneficial for a Salesforce user.
1. Enhanced Visibility -
The dedicated portals of Salesforce Grant Management offer improved visibility to the grant seekers and grantees across the lifecycle of the grant. Along with it, external reviewers can also utilize very similar portals for establishing a collaboration with your team.
2. Several verification tools and smooth workflow -
You will get numerous tools like verification checks, document checklists, reviews and requirement records etc. With these tools, you can seamlessly collaborate with your team, grant seekers and outer experts etc.
3. Flexible work structure -
The work structure of Salesforce Grant Management enables you to handle a multiyear grant as well as a one-time grant. A multiyear grant has so many requirements while a one-time grant is like a scholarship.
4. Customization through high-value tools -
A salesforce user utilizes the power of this platform for evolving and customizing the processes that further lead to the growth and enhancement of the programs. The high-value or advanced automation tools enable the teams to prevent repetitive tasks and aim at the core activities of the organization. These automation tools also reduce time consumption while performing manual tasks.
If you want to implement Salesforce Grant Management as a Salesforce consumer, you can contact any of Salesforce.org's network implementation partners who is well versed in the Salesforce for Nonprofit and Salesforce Grantmaking. You can also check the resource options for more information regarding the Salesforce Grant implementation with the help of a partner.
In what ways a portal for Grantseekers is developed?
The portals for Salesforce Grant Management are developed for fulfilling several purposes like allowing the grantseekers, grantees, reviewers and grantmakers etc to collaborate and share crucial information safely on a single platform. But to create such portals need the structured following of the below-given points.
- The first step to creating a Salesforce Grant Management portal is, you need to get connected with an experienced Cloud Grantee Portal Site template.
- With the help of these templates, you can quickly build a custom website where you can accumulate all the grant applications and work towards the prioritized goal simultaneously. It does not depend on the size and scope of the programs that are funding your Salesforce Grant Management program.
- Now that you are all set to be hands-on with the portal, it will be beneficial for you to initiate the utilization with a basic understanding of those objects and records which are helpful in accessing or tracking your work on the Salesforce Grant Management platform.
How can Quest Global Technologies help an organization in building a Salesforce Grant Management portal?
Our certified team members help an individual or an organization in tracking, managing and delivering the funding to the programs so that it can get the critical investment out to the communities. Along with it, you can avail of our services for fulfilling the below given additional yet fundamental purposes of Salesforce Grant Management.
- We design or provide Grant Management Software for simplifying and accelerating Grantmaking.
- Establishing a seamless connection between the grants and the programs.
- Simplifying the complex application processes.
- Improving the grantee experience.
- Helping you to gain a holistic view of due diligence.
To connect the grants and programs we focus on these prime features.
1. Management of the programs -
To make you understand the pattern of collectively driving the purpose in the forward direction, we solemnize the programs, sub initiatives and respective grants on a single system or platform.
2. Comminting the financial security -
Our skilled teammates prioritize infusing transparency between the organization and the grantees. This visibility makes your team aware of the funding lifecycle, the stage in which each grant is present now, the requested and awarded grants and the schedule of the disbursement etc.
3. Spreading awareness through reporting -
We help our clients in gaining a unified view of the funding programs based on the served population reports, overall funding for the program in a year and the milestones that your organization wants to achieve collectively.
Five important things to know about Managing Grants with Salesforce
As it is explained above Grant Management is one of the most complicated procedures of the Salesforce platforms. This is due to the rapid changement in the involved elements of it. Here are the five things that an organization or individual must know regarding managing grants with Salesforce.
- The outbound fund modules (OFM) is a solution that combines that provides you the standard and customize objects that further help in quick fund disbursement.
- The access to features like Self Registration, Application Mapping, Action Plans, Status Checks, Budget Management etc helps an organization in scaling up or updating the standard of the program.
- With the help of the Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP), you can include customization without even requiring codes and apps from AppExchange.
- While deciding on a Salesforce Grant Management program you need to keep a widely purposed picture in your mind like covering all the aspects of the program instead of connecting constituents to the grant only.
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